Friday 30 January 2015

27. Belmont Park - Boulder Hill

January 31

This track starts at the Dry Creek entrance to Belmont Park. You start in a little tract of bush but soon you turn to the right onto a 4 wheel drive track and you go up and up. Luckily it isn't a terribly steep start - just enough to warm up the legs. This climb last for almost 3 kms.

There is a nice flat section where you cross a field and then you are back onto a serious climb. This was really quite steep and because it is so dry at the moment it was a bit loose under foot. You start to get glimpses of the views as you turn each corner.

I was starting to wonder why it was called boulder hill but as you approach the top there are large rocks spread around in the long grass. At the top there is a big pile of these boulders. The views are pretty amazing - Upper Hutt, Hutt City and the harbour and out to Pauatahanui and the Porirua Harbour.

Hutt City and the Wellington Harbour

Would definitely recommend doing this on a day with cloud cover.

Porirua and Pauatahanui

8 000 steps ( would have been 12 000 if we had done a direct return)

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