Sunday 15 March 2015

46. Whitireia Park - Coastal Clamber!

March 14

Surprise, surprise - I misread a map! We did the usual coastal track starting at the boat club and at the far end of Onehunga we carried on walking past Kaitawa Point. This ended up being a really exciting and challenging walk. I wouldn't recommend it for young children! You also need to make sure you are there at low tide.

Once you come around Kaitawa Point there is a rugged rocky beach. Getting around the bend at the end of this was tricky. It was low tide and you still have to get into water that is knee deep and surging to get from one section of rocks to the next. I really enjoy clambering over rocks so this was fun.

The next difficult section is just around the next corner. I think at this point if we had had kids with us I would have turned back. There was gap between rocks and the cliff that you could get around by holding rocks above and to the side and doing a big reach with your legs. I am right handed and this involved using my left side, and even though I am reasonably strong, I found it really difficult. The water was a bit rougher here as well.

From here there were a lot of little beaches and caves and rocky sections to climb over and through. We thought we were getting near to the end when we came across a group of abseilers. At this point we hit a rock face that was too tricky for us to negotiate and the water was getting to deep to brave walking around (and I was wearing jeans). So we turned back.

The parts that had been tricky on the way were still tricky - the water by now was at the top of my legs, but I had given up on keeping dry and it was using the right side of my body.

 Looking at the map again, we should have turned up the road at Onehunga bay and gone along the edge of the cliffs :) Been there; done that - see Feb 5. Ended up being quite a long walk but I really enjoyed the challenge. I think we will try it from the other direction next time, and will wear more suitable clothing!

About 26 000 steps

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