Sunday 15 March 2015

45. Waitangi Park and Te Papa

March 11

I had promised Master 5 that I would take him to the museum, so we parked near where the girls have drama, on Cambridge Terrace. The walk to the Museum was pretty uneventful. Lots of little food shops that reminded the little guy that it must be morning tea time.

The museum was really busy. I think there was a cruise ship in town and there were a few bus loads of school kids. We hurried through - ducking in and out of exhibits - at a good pace because he only likes the interactive ones AND he doesn't like me to chat about them.

I lured him away with the promise of lunch and he chose a rather sloshy and overpriced jelly. We ate that outside and then wandered through Waitangi Park to the playground. This park has paths that meander through wetland type plantings.

Walked back to drama along the other side of Cambridge Terrace.

8 000 steps

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